10대시절부터 저와 함께한 기타악보들이에요. 방정리하다가 새삼 한권, 한권 유심히 보게 되더라구요. 헤비메탈과 기타에 미쳐있던 저는 당시 책 한권을 통채로 머리로 외운 다음, 일단 마스터한 악보책들은 하나씩 하나씩 버린다는 거창하고도 원대한 꿈을 키우고 있었죠. 그런데 유튜브에서 누가 그러더군요, “타브 악보를 보고 기타 치는 사람은 대부분 기타를 못치는 사람이다”. 음… 맞는말인거 같기도 해요.

本当にそうだと思いますよ。音楽のジャンルも幅広いし、特徴としては、実際西洋本土ではもうそこまで人気でもないバンド達(Mr. Big, Michael Schenker Groupなど)のものまで沢山出版されていますから。しかし、なにより個人的に一番良かったのは、楽器全パートが載っていることだと言えます。アメリカのバンド・スコアはギターだけシンプルに載っていますね。ネットで調べてみたら、日本のものだとアンパンマンの主題曲の楽譜から、Carcassのような極悪デスメタルのバンドスコアまで普通に売っているから、まあ驚く一方ですわ。特にマニア向けのバンド·スコアはいつでも嬉しい訳なのです。

Especially bands like Metallica. With their obvious world-famous popularity, there are just so many different versions and tunings, and god, it took me ages to finally get “Blackened” right. The worst is when 1 song is transcribed in 2 different tunings. Took me forever to realise songs like “A New Level” by Pantera and “The Thing That Should Not Be” by Metallica are NOT in Drop D (Thanks to Youtube). On top of that, according to the Japanese guitar book, “Sad But True” by Metallica is played by a 7 string guitar! Pretty confusing. So let’s not even go there about Dimebag Darrell’s tunings.

特にcho. (choking:窒息させる)などの用語は、英語圏の人が見たらビックリするか吹いてしまうんでしょうね。因みに英語だとAメロはVerse, BメロはBridge, サビはChorus, ソロはInter又はSolo, アウトロはEndingですね。

How I miss those ’90s metal mags. For me, personally they were also a great source to study English and expand my vocabulary. Picked up all the swear words from them.

So, how the hell am I supposed to play stuff like, say Yngwie Malmsteen style licks just by ear? Is it all about incorporating muscle memory exercises? Or memorising certain scales? I really wonder.